07.07.2020 (Webinar) Prof. Klaus Schmidt-Rohr

17:15 Uhr

Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA

Chain Ends at Polymer Crystallite Surfaces

The  principle of avoidance of density anomalies in semicrystalline polymers  predicts that chains will preferably end at the crystallite surface.  For polyethylene, polyoxymethylene, and (partially)  poly(e-caprolactone), this prediction has been confirmed by NMR  experiments that probe the chain-end conformation, immobilization,  localization at the crystallite surface, and clustering in the surface  layer, by means of conformation-dependent chemical shifts, absence of  significant motional narrowing, 1H spin diffusion and 13C spin exchange, respectively. Chain-end diffusion is also restricted.