17.01.2023 Prof. Dr. Andreas Walther

4.15 pm in seminar room 1.27 Von-Danckelmann-Platz 4, 06120 Halle

We try to offer the hybrid option, but cannot guarantee it!

Life-Like Materials and Systems, Department of Chemistry, University of Mainz

“Metabolic DNA Systems Inspired from Life: Protocells and Systems with Lifecycles”

Living  self-organizing systems operate far-from-equilibrium and display  energy-dependent adaptive functionalities. They can serve as an  inspiration to promote complexity and life-like functions in soft matter  systems, which include for instance to pre-organize temporal behavior  or install mechanisms for complex adaptative behavior. Along these  lines, I will discuss two avenues towards autonomous and adaptive DNA  active matter systems with simplistic metabolic reaction networks  inside. On the one hand, I will discuss the formation of DNA-based  protocell architectures with the ability to house abiotic catalysts  driving downstream morphological adaptations. On the other hand, I will  discuss the use of ATP as a chemical fuel to drive chemically fueled  out-of-equilibrium systems using activation/deactivation networks. The  latter allows to program self-assemblies and materials with lifetimes  and programmable steady state dynamics.

Review: A. Walther,  “From Responsive to Adaptive and Interactive  Materials and Materials Systems: A Roadmap” Adv. Mater. 1905111 (2020).